
The Royal Art Lodge

 the 4 images above are paintings by The Royal Art Lodge- the Royal Art Lodge (R.A.L.) was formed in 1996 by college students in Winnipeg as a weekly group where they would collaborate on low-fi, D.I.Y. art including everything from paintings to dolls and music perfomances. at times swelling to six members ,the core members have always been Marcel Dzama, Neil Farber and Michael Dumontier. since disbanding in 2008, these 3 have  had steady solo art careers as well as Neil and Michael working together still somewhat in the style of the R.A.L. but with an even more pointed cerebral wit.

  on a personal note, the R.A.L. and esp Neil Farber and Marcel Dzama are favorites of mine and are definatly the highlights of my own art collection both as the Royal Art Lodge and a few solo paintings as well. i do have some photos of my personal peices in the “art i collect” photo album on my page.

  …and what, you may ask, does this art have to do with your music? well since 2005, when i got my first Royal Art Lodge painting, i’d always wanted to marry my 2 interests into one and i finally have acheived my goal- i can’t unveil the image until the record comes out on Black Friday but i can tell you- the front cover album art on the Potsie record is painted by Neil Farber and Michael Dumontier and it is amazing.

  Erin and I could not be more proud of this record and we are so excited to be able to share it with you guys soon. it definatly looks as good as it sounds,  the beautiful photography of Miriam Lorenzi and the cover art of Neil Farber and Michael Dumontier on the outside. inside lurks the songs of Potsie as recorded by Rich “Mixer” Ott.  the accumulated talent those names represent should attest to what we all have to look foward to with the release of this Potsie record . Will’s – Nov 25th, Black Friday. see you then SRG

  a blog of Neil and Michael’s art- http://personalmessageblog.blogspot.com/

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September 2011